
Sam's ServiceNow adventures

A place where to share about ServiceNow platform and technologies

Interactive map in the portal

Integrate OpenStreetMap with ServiceNow records in the Portal


13 minute read

This article shows how to display records from SericeNow that are related to a location on a map in the ServiceNow portal, using OpenStreetMap (OSM).

For this purpose, we will create a portal Widget and make it interact with a list to show the records related to the choosen location.

Using remote tables in ServiceNow

Smoke tests with remote tables functionnality


17 minute read

What are remote tables

Since the New York release, ServiceNow offers a new functionality called remote tables.

Remote tables allows to query and retrieves data from other systems, via REST/SOAP and use them almost seamlessly in service-now.

The remote table can be used like a standard, local, table:

GlideQuery Cheat Sheet

an attempt to document GlideQuery functions and methods


6 minute read

This is a draft Cheat Sheet for the GlideQuery. Please see this post for a detailled introduction. This cheat sheet was build with elements gathered from presentations and blog posts and also from reading the script include. It may not be accurate, might evolve and all comments and corrections are welcome ! invoking GlideQuery In a similar way that GlideRecord, the table name is passed as a parameter: var myTable = new GlideQuery('table_name'); Cheat sheet Selections, insert, update get() Returns a single record by querying primary key key.

High order function in script include, accessing the context (this)

how to access this context when using high order functions in a ServiceNow script include.


5 minute read

In the Service-Now script includes (or in Javascript in general), the context of the this in not reachable when using high order function.

This might be obvious for some of you, but it was not for me and I struggled some time to achieve what I wanted in a clean manner. Hence this post.

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This blog is a personnal blog from Samuel Meylan about ServiceNow technologies and other business related topics.

Sam is a ServiceNow Senior Developper and technical consultant with more than 8 years of experience. He particularly like making integrations and solving complexes requirements.

He also enjoy discovering new and enhanced features shipped with each ServiceNow release.